글로벌 네비게이션
상단 배너
상단 배너
달콤소프트/ DalcomSoft
Consumer & Enterprise

DalcomSoft services artist IP-based game, the SuperStar Series.

The SuperStar Series is a new contents delivery platform that delivers artists’ hits and photo cards to fans through its games. It also is a new revenue generation platform that enables artists to monetize their fans without having to perform activities such as recording music and concerts.

DalcomSoft plans to expand the SuperStar Series to all artist, country and device, and will develop the platform into a Unique Global Fandom Network where fans and artists can interact.

Consumer & Enterprise

MetaBora is the parent company of BORA, a blockchain technology backed casual game publisher.

The Bora ecosystem encompasses various blockchain partners who can contribute to the healthy development and growth of blockchain technology, token economy and blockchain community and contents. The ecosystem aims to combine these fundamental blockchain assets to the realm of game, entertainment, contents etc

아이네블루메/ Eineblume
Consumer & Enterprise

Eineblume services chatting text-formed/bite sized contents platform Chatie.

Chatie is a platform where both professional writers and users can upload their creations freely. Chatie boasts over 1 million cumulative downloads in Korea alone, along with more than 150,000 titles made into chatting text-formed stories.

Chatie has become a pioneer in the Korean contents market by creating a mobile optimized platform with easy-to-read text-formed contents that has gained wide traction from the teen population.

샌드박스네트워크/ Sandbox Network
Consumer & Enterprise

Sandbox is Korea’s leading MCN/video influencer management company.

Created in 2015, Sandbox is powered by a true appreciation for creators, and currently houses more than 400 creators. Based on the vision that “Imagination makes the world a better place”, Sandbox provides an environment conducive to content creation, which allows creators and digital natives to perform at their fullest.

패브릭타임/ FabricTime
Consumer & Enterprise

Swatchon operates “VMOD”, a digital fashion studio that converts offline designs to 3D digital designs and distributes to various metaverse platforms and
“SWATCHON”, a global fabric sourcing marketplace.

Swatchon not only helps global fashion designers to efficiently source fabric online, but also facilitates additional monetization of offline designs by providing a 3D/digital sales opportunity via various metaverse platforms.

Swatchon’s goal is to power the fashion inspiration for fashion designers worldwide, and is partnered with more than 10,000 designers around the world.

뉴플로이/ Newploy
Consumer & Enterprise

Newploy is developer of HR payroll automator and attendance check software Albam.

Since its launch in 2014, Albam has revolutionized HR management for SMBs through its time attendance tracking service that uses proprietary beacon technology. In addition, the company has evolved to provide various HR functions, such as work scheduling management, payroll automator and recruitment services.

Albam currently services more than 100,000 domestic and overseas businesses, including small business owners and large manufacturing/retail/global franchise companies.

라우드코퍼레이션/ LOUD Corporation
Consumer & Enterprise

LOUD Corporation is a eSports contents production company which provides various eSports related content/services to B2C and B2B consumers.

The company’s main business consists of eSports game creator management, eSports game contents production along with other core services pertaining to eSports marketing and contents. LOUD communications also acts as the main provider of Korea eSports games to various global counterparts via contents and business partnerships.

로지스팟/ Logispot
Consumer & Enterprise

Logispot operates a B2B freight logistics software/platform.

The company connects freight clients and carriers via its web/mobile platform, helping stakeholders in the $27B Korean trucking industry to interact and cooperate in a more efficient business manner. Logispot provides a cloud software and data analytics platform to freight clients, enabling them to enhance their logistics operations via Logispot’s software.

Major clients include leading conglomerate clients, such as Fursys, Nexen, Hanssem Effex and Histeel.

무신사 (패션파트너스조합)/ Musinsa
Consumer & Enterprise

Musinsa is Korea’s leading millennials fashion commerce platform.

Recording 900M USD in GMV in 2019, Musinsa is the largest and most sought after fashion commerce platform for the 1020 demographics. Musinsa showcases high quality local fashion designer products, providing a true fashion discovery shopping experience that is superior to other commerce platforms in Korea.

The company recently received an investment from Sequoia Capital at a 2 billion USD valuation.

빌드블록/ BuildBlock
Consumer & Enterprise

BuildBlock is a cross-border real estate investment platform.

Buildblock uses real estate expertise and technology to help investors invest in overseas real estate assets. Buildblock introduces properties tailored to customer’s needs and manages the property on behalf of them, and provides professional management for the investments via end-to-end management platform.

The investment and management process is seamless and low operational hassle for investors, lowering the hurdle for investors to actively invest in overseas real estate.

멜릭서/ Melixir
Consumer & Enterprise

Melixir is Korea’s first vegan cosmetic brand that offers healthy and hypoallergenic skincare products with plant-based ingredients.

Melixir supports environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions in all its products and packaging.
Melixir is backed by global online fandom that acts as voluntary brand ambassadors. Its product quality is acknowledged by various global online channels such as Amazon. Melixir is next-generation global skincare brand that can offer both Korean technology and sustainable brand equity to numerous millennials worldwide.

AmazeVR/ AmazeVR
Consumer & Enterprise

AmazeVR produces immersive VR concert content with its proprietary ultra-high resolution custom cameras and cloud based VR creation/processing tools. With the imminent distribution of VR/AR hardware and increasing demand for VR/AR content, AmazeVR aims to become a mainstream VR creation platform that can produce high quality yet affordable VR content for mass distribution.

AmazeVR’s first immersive VR concert was created in partnership with Roc Nation’s hip hop duo Ceraadi, and the content will be distributed offline via the company’s motion chair enabled buses and local cinemas. AmazeVR plans to accelerate its partnership with record labels such as Roc Nation to create a wide array of immersive VR concerts and distribute them via diverse online/offline channels.

Consumer & Enterprise

OP.GG is data analysis, community, and live-streaming service for online games.

OP.GG concentrates on MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Area) games and FPS(First-Person Shooter) games. The games that OP.GG serves are League of Legends, PUBG, Overwatch, etc. Its main service, League of Legends stats comparison, is #1 platform that LOL players find indispensable when looking for gaming data. Its presence in this area is backed by overwhelming traffic, level of recognition, and amount of data provided, compared to competitors. OP.GG is a global service whose 60% of the traffic comes from global players other than Korea.

Meanwhile OP.GG runs its own gaming team, operates ‘Talk.P.GG’ - an online space where users can share gaming tips and know-hows, and provides ‘Next’ - a real-time online game user matching service. OP.GG is planning to launch various services to help gamers around the world to better enjoy gaming experience.

Consumer & Enterprise

SHOPLIVE provides the state-of-the-art live commerce SaaS platform.

With its live streaming, real-time messaging, big data and AI/ML technologies, SHOPLIVE empowers commerce players to provide customers with the most innovative online shopping experience.

The founding members of SHOPLIVE consist of ex-members of Facebook, Google, Naver, and Kakao. SHOPLIVE’s client base spans across enterprise-level clients such as Musinsa, LG, and Kolon; and SMB-level clients in South East Asia.

스윗테크놀로지스/ Swit Technologies
Consumer & Enterprise

SWIT Technologies operates SWIT, a b2b collaboration saas software which offers chat and project management features in one succinct and easy to use interface.

Corporates are increasingly adopting saas collaboration tools for the purpose of 1) corporate wise communication (ex. Slack, Notion) and 2) function specific project management (ex. Jira, Trello, Figma), but each purpose is served via an independent product and interface. SWIT provides these two key usage cases in one interface, thus helping corporates reduce the number of tools, cost and time spent to communicate and work.

SWIT is currently used by more than 35,000 companies worldwide (as of Aug 2021).

비주얼/ Bejewel
Consumer & Enterprise

Bejewel operates jewelry vertical commerce “amondz”.

Jewelry is a key fashion vertical along with clothing and shoes, and mid-priced jewelry constitutes a 600M USD market size domestically. Bejewel is bringing the offline based jewelry shopping experience to its digital platform, and is introducing higher priced jewelry products, such as gold/diamond/precious stones to its customer base. Going beyond a pure jewelry commerce platform, Bejewel aims to provide customers with a product where they can obtain accurate and transparent information about assets such as gold/diamonds/precious stones and provide a shopping experience that replicates/is superior to the current offline experience.

비즈니스캔버스/ Business Canvas
Consumer & Enterprise

Business Canvas team develops Typed, an easy-to-use workspace that transforms scattered information into knowledge. Through a network that intelligently tracks and organizes files based on the user’s interactions, Typed brings together knowledge from different websites and applications into one simple-to-use and quick-to-learn digital workspace. Not only has Typed seen significant user growth since its closed and open beta launch, but also it has begun PoC with diverse business clients.
With its key members of global background such as Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley, LSE, the team envisions to expand into the global market.

메디르/ Medir
Consumer & Enterprise

Medir operates telemedicine and prescription drug delivery app “Medb.”

Patients can receive remote treatment from doctors that are located within 2km distance from the patients’ current location, and subsequently receive delivery for the medicine prescribed by the doctor. By employing a hyperlocal approach to telemedicine, patients are able to create a long lasting/recurring relationship with doctors, who they can easily revisit after their initial telemedicine experience.

Baewo / Baewo
Consumer & Enterprise

Baewo operates “Boram”, the first postnatal retreat brand in the US.
Boram’s mission is to provide essential high quality postnatal care to mothers in the US, a concept that is widely accepted and embraced in South Korea.
Boram has taken Korea’s established best practices, interpreted it to fit the needs of the new US customer base, and put a premium touch to the overall experience.

Targeting the high-end customer segment, Boram plans to expand its presence to key US cities.
The first location opened in May 2022, at The Langham New York Fifth Avenue.

마프앤비욘드/ MAAF
Consumer & Enterprise

MAAF expands the existing air transportation network by operating small-scale aircrafts that require shorter runways than typical aircrafts.
As a first step, MAAF connects its air transport network to remote islands only with maritime transport options as well as Korea’s East-West lines (e.g. Gwangju to Yangyang).
Starting from the regional air mobility operation, MAAF aspires to take a leadership position in the upcoming urban air mobility (UAM) market.

Consumer & Enterprise

Classum is an interactive learning platform with its primary focus on participant engagement, rather than one-way content/instruction delivery Top-tier institutions like KAIST, Yonsei and Korea University had already made a school-wide adoption, many led by grassroots requests by professors and students.
Expanding to the corporate learning market, Classum is also being adopted by major conglomerates like Samsung and LG to facilitate learning engagements and internal knowledge exchanges.

유쾌한프로젝트/ Simpatico Project
Consumer & Enterprise

Simpatico Project operates B2B mental healthcare platform “Clify.”

Clify develops specialized counseling programs for corporations, such as programs for lawyers/police/leadership positions etc. The company works with 22 domestic/US based psychiatrists to develop these professional sector programs.
Clify also matches the clients with the best counselors in each field, by using AI to match individual couseling needs with counselor’s profesional records.

Glencoco/ Glencoco
Consumer & Enterprise

Glencoco is transforming outbound sales via its pay-for-performance sales marketplace. Via the marketplace, clients are able to work with external SDRs and pay for qualified meetings on a success fee basis. Glencoco allows businesses to scale their sales pipeline efficiently, providing access to vetted human SDRs who are equipped with ample AI workflows, tools and analytics developed by Glencoco.

Glencoco’s main clients lie in the B2B SaaS, fintech, healthcare sector and has helped clients generated upwards of $20M in sales contracts within a year of operations.

Botrista/ Botrista
Consumer & Enterprise

Botrista is revolutionizing the beverage industry by enabling restaurants to serve a wide variety of premium, made-to-order drinks, from thick smoothies to delicate teas. With the ability to handle beverages of varying viscosities, Botrista’s automated platform is installed in 34 states across the US and trusted by national F&B outlets such as Quiznos, Yoshinoya and Halal Guys. Botrista has helped increase customer satisfaction and boost average check sizes by up to 18%.

Botrista’s data-driven approach ensures that restaurants can offer customized drink menus that cater to evolving consumer tastes, making it an essential partner for foodservice operators aiming to enhance both their beverage offerings and operational efficiency.



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