글로벌 네비게이션

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상단 배너
상단 배너

투자 / IR 제안

회사 정보 및 IR 자료를 보내주시면
내부 검토 후 회신을 드리겠습니다.

Please send us your IR deck for review.
We will get back promptly.


서울시 서초구 강남대로 369
DF타워 6층
6F, DF Tower,
369, Gangnam-daero,
Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea


2호선 강남역 6번 출구 /
신분당선 강남역 5번 출구
Gangnam Station Line 2 (green) Exit 6 / Shinbundang Line Exit 5
Management Ethics
Management Ethics
Practicing fair and transparent ethical
management based on honesty and trust.
Code of Ethics
Dunamu & Partners employs an internal ethics code to promote transparent management foster ethical awareness among executives and employees. All employees follow the ethics code, thereby governing the company’s overall decision-making process and working environment.
Dunamu & Partners operates a whistleblowing system in order to reinforce ethical corporate management and our internal control policy. Any employee may anonymously report when witnessing acts of misconduct and the reporter will not be subject to any disadvantages or discriminations.
Mail or email reporting


더 좋은 미래를 만드는 기회, 두나무앤파트너스와 함께 찾으세요.

Please reach out to us with investment opportunities.